Welcome Back To The Gemba!
Make sure that you gemba walks plan is really wall-to-wall: frequency doesn't matter as much as everyone knowing that you will come to visit them regularly.
When you are on the gemba, visiting a team or a department, can you see the control points that really matter to quality and customer satisfaction - learning to distinguish control points is quite hard and need time. You start somewhere and you keep going.
Your challenge in visiting all aspects of your company is first to show interest and respect to employees who act direct value (which means listening to their concerns even if you don't have an immediate answer). Second is to practice "helicopter thinking" - deliberately moving your mind from the greatest detail to the widest view.
As a challenge, you can ask yourselves: what new insight have I have gained from today's gemba walk? How do I understand things differently now?
Dr. Michael Ballé will assist as virtual sensei for this e-learning experience with your own team to illustrate the key concepts you'll explore in the book